about me


Finally, #5: “About”:

Hey. My name is Avery Sophia Vilela and I love art. I am a Latina from Harlem, New York. Living in New York has granted me with so many opportunities that I am beyond grateful for, for which I plan to use in my favor to become what I have aspired to be for officially two years now, the Director of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Now I understand that that may sound ambitious, but with your eyes, mouths, and hands, it is a goal that I am sure to reach. 


Even as a kid, I have been always exposed to the art scene. My parents would take me to Chelsea every weekend to see any new, exciting installations. Although many pieces went over my adolescent head, as I grew older and became aware of my position in this ever-changing society, I was able to apply that knowledge to my individual perception of art. It would be pretty cool to say that the reason why my parents exposed me to so much art through my childhood was to shape me into the perfect candidate to take Max Hollein’s place, (Director of The Met) but unfortunately, I don’t think that was their plan. However... very fortunately for them, and the people who will reap my future benefits, that is exactly what will end up happening. 


My numerous experiences with visiting and working in museums were all steps that I needed to take in order to know what I wanted to dedicate my life to. As I plan for college and my career path, each door I open will all be leading up to the one that I crave. In order to successfully open those doors, I need to become the best writer, speaker, and pro art-analyzer that I can be; which is exactly why I have embarked on this “interwebical” journey.


On Vilela ™ , you will find 5 distinctly unique pages. The first one is titled “Home” (self explanatory). The second one is titled “Art Analyses” which will serve as a haven for my analyses, each regarding a specific work of art. “Art Analyses” also has the potential to become the page dedicated to all art-related written reflections, if I ever wanted to spice things up. Number 3, “Film Analyses”. As you might have guessed, this page follows the same structure as the last page, but with film as my subject. No. 4: “The ORB”. If you know me, then you must know about my infatuation with both the term “orb” and its relation to the world. Under The ORB, you will find a variety of images, videos, sounds, and so forth. The ORB will function as a “feed” curated by me with ideas that I think you should grasp. Finally, #5: “About”: 


Now hopefully you are reading this before you read my real work, so you can be surprised at how amazing my analytical writing is in comparison to my casual writing- just kidding. On a more serious note, I will argue that it is beneficial to you as a reader to have read this first, so that you can understand my writing as it is supposed to be understood.

Here are a couple things to keep in mind as YOU embark on YOUR journey through my writing:


  • This website in composed of three different styles of writing:
    • Professional (Created for academic purposes)
    • Unprofessional (Created for Vilela ™ )
    • Casual (Something like this)
  • You might notice that my Unprofessional writing does not flow as smoothly as you’d like. That, my friend, is due to my Unprofessional writing being a complete reflection of my thoughts and how they appear in my head.
  • My comma use. My use of commas, or lack of, may seem random or incorrect to you, but don’t fret, this is a stylistic choice. When allowed, I like to use commas in the same way that I speak. They are used when I pause and not used when I don't. Because I know that it might feel illegal to stray away from the conventional standards of English, I will try to use them correctly in my Professional pieces.
  • I like to make up words 
  • I use braces {} instead of parenthesis () in my Unprofessional work because I think they look cooler
  • At times, my language might sound outdated or random. I can only blame this my avid consumption of film. The more media I consume, the more influenced I get. I try to incorporate learned details into my writing to make it nuanced. In other words, I would rather speak like a man from a 40s Noir than like a teenage girl.
  • Even in my Professional writing, you will hear my voice shine through. They used to tell me that my analytical writing should sound completely neutral and formulaic. Since then, I have learned that remaining indifferent is not how I want to present myself to the world, so I have made it my goal to remain true to myself and what I stand for as a writer and future art curator.

Thank you for reading, now go learn about some art.


